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  • kieran


Though I could feel the afflictions brewing under the surface of each of the three scenes that make up this film, the director has only found a way to hint at the subtext. The trickle of the underlying subject matter the the director brought forth was not enough to provoke my curiosity.

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A brilliantly inventive short film that says very little, but says it far too creatively not to be appreciated. I've never seen anything like this before, and there was not one flat beat in the entire film - from beginning to end - it was pitch perfect. The complete lack of 'meaning' I will completely forgive, due to both the mastery in its delivery and the object of its ridicule - the tired and banal 'Western'.

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  • kieran


The filmmakers find a myriad of fantastic tricks to keep the action enthralling, despite being confined in their location. At the core of this allegorical tale lies worthy questions. However, the film's exploration was too focused on its surface action. The exploration into what this story really means was not thorough. The makers sacrificed the thought-provoking nature of their story for a 'Hollywood' market.

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